Thursday, April 25, 2013

Reflection Post

Reflecting on any life experience can be beneficial. It gives us an opportunity to step back and look at a situation from the outside. When I step back and look at the experience I had in taking this course I am flooded with thoughts. Not only was this course fun and easy to enjoy, but it was also challenging, thought provoking and pushed me the limits on my technological knowhow. I was definitely a little weary about the whole Blogger assignment when it was first given. But now, sitting here writing my final blog posting I have to say it was an overall great learning experience. It forced me to analyze the material I was reading the book and gave me an opportunity to see how beneficial many of the topics and technologies we discussed can be in my future classrooms. This was a great way to integrate the learning objective of critical thinking into a fun and useful internet tool.

The blog was not my only concern when reviewing the syllabus that first week of class. I was also very hesitant to do group work in a class that only meets once a week. It is difficult enough to cultivate successful projects on your own let alone organize and structure a project with 3 or 4 other people when you all are on different schedules. But, after doing the collaborative lesson plan assignment I realized that even though it was a challenge is made me feel much more capable of working with others from a distance using technology. This took care of the technology/information management learning objective that was discussed in the syllabus.
The last comment I have to make about this course is that I never expected to retain so many of the resources shown to me throughout the course. I look forward to using sites such as Wikispaces, Google groups, Blogger, Delicious, Livebinders, Prezi, Rubistar, Questgarden, and many of the other great sites we were taught to use this semester. I can’t wait to discover more great ways to integrate technology into my future classroom and use all the great tools I have learned in this class! Thank you to not only my fabulous professor, but also to the great group of peers I had the privilege of working with this semester as well.
So to close I just want to say....

1 comment:

  1. So much to learn and so little time...I hope that you will be able to spend more time on each of the concepts and tools that were introduced, discussed and 'manipulated' - they are just the tip of the iceberg! Life takes interesting turns, but learning is a daily part of it, so hopefully you can continue to find positive ways to use technology to transform your learning. Best of luck as you pursue your future endeavors!
